
Simian populations represent valuable models for understanding the epidemiology of human pneumocystosis. The present study aims to describe the circulation of organisms within a social organization of healthy crab-eating macaques () living in a natural setting in France. Animals were followed for up to 2 years. Deep nasal swab and blood samples were collected monthly from each animal under general anaesthesia. Environmental air was sampled for a 1 week period every month in the park where the macaques dwelt. DNA was detected by nested-PCR of mitochondrial large subunit rRNA (mtLSU) gene in nasal swab and air samples. Anti- IgG antibodies were detected in serum samples by indirect immuno-fluorescence assay. DNA was detected in 168 of 500 swab samples examined (33·6 %). The number of macaques with detectable DNA was highly variable from one month to another. Positive detection of DNA was not related to the detection of serum anti- antibody. During the second year of the study, DNA was amplified more frequently from unweaned macaques than from adults or subadults. The mtLSU sequence showed marked polymorphism with eight sequence types representing two distinct groups. On the whole, a constant and intensive circulation of organisms within the community was observed. However, the implication of the various members of the colony was probably different and several levels of colonization by may occur in immunocompetent macaques.


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